eSpheres Extended Search

Valid from: March 26, 2021
Valid to: May 26, 2021
Author: Frédéric Tribel

Trouble in finding information with the Extended Search Functions of SAP EHS or Product Compliance ?

Need to know which products must be notified to Poison Centers in E.U. ?

Which SDS must be certified for Turkey ?

eSpheres has developed a customized search solution for product/country/sales volume criteria

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Sales figures are available at material level through SAP logistics modules (especially SD) and more or less easy to retrieve (e.g. how much of each material has been sold during which year in which country ?). But, knowing if a given EH&S product has been sold in a specific country or what are the EH&S products that have been sold last year in a specific region of the world is tedious.

Our new Extended Search Function makes it easy.

We offer :

  • Easy and fast answer to questions related to sold EHS products
  • Focus on EHS products with sales (and not olds ones)
  • Strong expertise in SAP EH&S to adapt this concept to you needs